Thursday, July 8, 2010

A Lack of Motivation

I seem to be in a bit of a motivation slump at the moment. Part of it might be the weather (my computer telling me it’s over 100 degrees outside doesn’t exactly spur me into frenzied action), but I suspect most of it is contributed to a bit of mental exhaustion.

As I mentioned at the end of my last post, I had to catch a pre-7:00am bus to get to my internship by 7:45. After three hours at NASM, I embarked on my daily 30 minute walk to the GWU campus for work, and then commenced an eight hour workday, leaving campus around 7:30 at night. Once a week I had class, and twice a week I had to commute home by metro and bus, walking in the door of my apartment around 9:00 at night. Perhaps twice a week my fiancé and I would make it to the gym, and then get home with enough time to eat a quick dinner, talk for a few minutes, and fall into bed.

The previous semester, I had juggled a very similar schedule in order to take two studio interior design classes, both of which were held during the day, rather than at night.

Now, I absolutely think that the crazy schedule was worth it—I loved my interior design classes and learned so much that will be extremely useful in my career, and my internship experience was everything that I had hoped for.

But regardless of the worth of it all, I reached the last day of my internship and the last class of the first summer session breathing a sigh of relief to finally have a bit of a break. For at least one week I would have a normal 8:30 – 5:00 day, have time to go to the gym before dark, time to make and eat dinner with my fiancé, and time to enjoy some free time.

That was a week and four days ago and I am no closer to finding a second internship than I was in March. I don’t think it is for a lack of trying since I have been persistent in my emails with a design firm in Fairfax that say they want to meet with me, but that haven’t replied to my many emails telling them my availability. I know that in the very near future I will have to start the search over again and I know the day is fast approaching where I will have to go back to a crazy schedule if I even have a hope of finishing my degree by December.

As of right now I have my old list of internship possibilities and contacts on my desk, I have a small network of professionals at Air and Space whom I can call on for recommendations and referrals, and number 2 on my To-Do list is “Find and internship”.

But all I want to do right now is breath…

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