So I am finally getting settled in Syracuse and today is the first day at my new internship at the Warehouse Gallery, part of the Syracuse University Art Galleries, located in the downtown area of Syracuse.
This internship is a departure from what I would have looked for had I stayed in DC this semester.
First of all, this museum is an art gallery and I have never really aspired to work in an art gallery, mostly because I love history so much and I have absolutely no background in art theory or art history. And not only is this museum an art gallery, but it is a living art gallery, which means we're working with live artists who plan their own instillations in the gallery. Which brings me to...
Second of all, it looks like there will be relatively little design work such as I am used to. As the artists design their own installations, there isn't much 'exhibit design' to do, though I believe that there may be some brochure graphics to work on at some point.
The exciting part (and I hope it really does turn out to be exciting), is that I think I'll get the chance to work with/ under the new preparator, who starts in three weeks. Here is where some design work might come in, as well as the chance to physically work on the next show installation, which will take place the first couple of weeks in November. Since I have been out of town for the past two weeks, I missed the installation and opening of the current show, but hope to be more involved with the next.
For now, it looks like I will be more involved with the social media aspects of the gallery, trying to successfully transition their fans to their new fan page and offer suggestions for their website.
I have already passed on some information on Omeka, a public open-source design tool that I learned about in my technolgoy class last semester, and we'll see if this is somewhere that they want to and are able to go. If they are, that would be a great project for me to work on as it is design and content related, but a lot of it depends on what kind of server they have, if they even have one at all.
I will try to post an entry about once a week to keep everyone up to date on my continued internship experience as I work towards a December graduation!
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